Mixing machines and packaging

order sizes
The mixing machines can be automatically filled via silo or big bags, but it is also possible to dose manually. This applies to both the powder and liquid areas. Due to the different sizes of the mixers, orders can be produced in all quantities.
Almi offers a wide range of 30 different mixing systems for powder, solid and liquid mixes. To ensure the best possible quality, we place great importance on gentle mixing technology. Thanks to the diverse mixing systems, the parameters can be individually adjusted to the specific requirements of each recipe. This ensures that our mixes always achieve the best results.
Almi fingerprint
Before the mixture is filled, a sample of each batch is taken, labeled and recorded in our database. The sample is compared with the reference sample depending on the requirements and specifics. Through this process, Almi guarantees consistent product quality.

With our automatic packaging machines, several hundred tons are packaged daily into various packaging sizes. But we can also quickly and efficiently prepare and ship small quantities as samples to customers.

Aroma protection
Almi has developed a process for the "aroma treatment of a food product intended for packaging." STIP® stands for "Smell and Taste in Package." In this process, a protective gas, along with at least one aromatic liquid, is introduced into the open packaging before the packaging is sealed airtight.
Would you like more information about our range or do you have any questions? We are happy to advise you!